Merging of Duplicate Accounts

The Issue

You have two accounts in the system that are linked to different wallets and the goal is to consolidate down to one account. This is a dual action process that first begins with removing the wallet that either has assets, points, or meaning from the account you want to abandon. Once that wallet has been revoked you can follow steps 1-3 to add this wallet to your intended account. These are all gasless transactions so no cost incurred to take these actions.

Step 1: Log-in to your Account: by clicking on the “SIGN IN WITH WEB3” button which allows you to sign-in via your wallet. Once signed in click “VIEW YOUR PROFILE”.

Step 2: Navigating to Edit your Profile: Click the “UPDATE YOUR PROFILE BUTTON”

Step 3: Adding/Removal of Linked Wallets: Click the “LINK WALLETS” button in order to link a new wallet (this can be a new hot wallet you spin up for this purpose of abandoning an account) – add it as another wallet. Now you can revoke the other wallet address from this account in order to be able to add it to the account you intend to keep.

Last updated